We CAN stand UNSHAKABLE in our faith!

We CAN stand UNSHAKEABLE and UNWAVERINGI'm sharing a POWERFUL story of faith. 

When 5 months pregnant with my daughter the Dr. administering the ultrasound said, "I'm so sorry, your baby has an opening in her skull and amniotic fluid is causing pressure on her brain. 

You need genetic counseling." Fear hit me, but SUDDENLY my spirit ROSE UP and I declared, "Thank you doctor now I know how to pray!" 

I didn't go to genetic counseling preparing for what he said, I prepared for what GOD had spoken TEN YRS EARLIER. "You're going to have a baby named Jesse," Jesus CLEARLY spoke. AGAINST ALL ODDS, I got pregnant with Jess. 

I had no ovary or tube because of endometriosis, I was at the END of menopause and almost 45 yrs old, my husband had a reverse vasectomy and three Drs said it would NOT be possible. 

After leaving the Dr.s office that day I had to press in and FIGHT OFF FEAR! I placed the armor of God on my baby. 

Two days later my Pastors wife and daughter prayed for me and were giggling. I said, "What's so funny?" They said, "We see Jesse with armor on." I NEVER told them about my previous prayer; applying armor on her. 

While waiting for her birth, I praised Jesus, for I KNEW  she'd be perfect. I didn't need to SEE any more ultrasounds, I KNEW she would be fine and made my faith-filled stand. 

She is a senior this yr, with a 4.0-grade average, headed for the Airforce Academy. It matters how I wait for answers from God! 

Am I nervously waiting for results from a Dr or election? Am I placing more trust in what a mere man says? 

When I get hit with fear, I immediately KNOW the OPPOSITE is true. If the message I receive brings fear, the messenger is NOT GOD! 

We must not wait to see the results. We must PRAISE Him, for HE ALWAYS brings Kingdom results, not earthly ones. Faith is preparing for what I've prayed for when there is no sign of its existence!


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